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Hello! I'm Kara. In August 2020, while going through some personal struggles and during my first year of sobriety, I picked up a camera with the intention of really figuring out how it worked. This was me finally taking the step to pursue a craft that had piqued my interest since I was a young girl, a moment that in retrospect feels like a true God-given gift.


Since then I've discovered that while taking pictures, I am entirely present in the moment, which I have found to be the key to internal peace. Through my work, I hope to share those gifts of presence and peace in the moment with others.

One thing I know is that photography will be with me regardless of the sometimes tumultuous, volatile realities of life. I expect to grow not only in my craft, but as a human being in the weeks, months, and years to come. 



Kara Cronin

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